Why should you call on the services of a professional translator?
In these times of globalisation and always growing needs in communication, translation has become indispensable.
People invent « translation machines », forgetting that a machine will never have imagination, the sense of the context, the sense of connotations and the gift of creativity.
Translation, however, requires a deep understanding of the complexity of a text, a huge artistic sensivity, an acute sense of abnegation and openness, an unlimited curiosity, an irreproachable knowledge of the source language and a sound proficiency in the target language.
It requires, moreover, very specific skills, significantly surpassing the knowledge of several languages.
Collaborating with a highly trained and qualified professional translator ensures you to receive quality translations, as clear, comprehensible and efficient as the source text of which it respects and faithfully restores the tone as well as the content.
The writer may dream of « being the sculptor of words and the painter of ideas» (Paul Carvel), but the translator has to render the shape and the colour of the texts entrusted to his care.
« Malheur aux faiseurs de traductions littérales qui, en traduisant chaque parole, énervent le sens ! C’est bien là qu’on peut dire que la lettre tue, et que l’esprit vivifie. »
« La traduzione è una delle forme dell’interpretazione e deve sempre mirare, sia pure partendo dalla sensibilità e dalla cultura del lettore, a ritrovare non dico l’intenzione dell’autore, ma l’intenzione del testo, quello che il testo dice o suggerisce in rapporto alla lingua in cui è espresso e al contesto culturale in cui è nato. »
« Dire quasi la stessa cosa è un procedimento che si pone all’insegna della negoziazione. »
Umberto Eco
« Translators are like ninjas. If you notice them, they’re not good.»
Etgar Keret